Sell Tickets with Volume One

Hey Chippewa Valley Event Organizers!
Volume One wants to help you sell tickets for your event.

There’s now a trusted local option for selling your reserved seating or general admission event tickets online and at the door, at no cost to you. It’s easy to use, fully customizable, and comes with built-in promotion through Volume One’s powerful network of print, digital, and email promotion.

Since 2017, we have helped over 100 Chippewa Valley organizations sell over 100,000 tickets.

What you get:

  • Online sales from a trusted resource
  • Purchasing and check-in capabilities for day-of
  • In addition to tickets - sell merch, and collect donations for fundraisers.
  • Customer data, reports and tracking
  • A marketing partner through the reach of Volume One Magazine and its brands

How it Works

1. Provide some info about your event and prices, and we’ set you up with a ticketing account (which is free). You can handle set-up on your own, or Volume One can help design your event page and ticket inventory.

2. Create your event page where people can buy tickets. Write an event description, add photos, and determine final ticket prices.

3. Connect your bank account via to receive daily or weekly payouts.

4. Promote the event through Volume One’ powerful network of print, web, social, and email newsletters.

5. Contact customers prior to the event using the email and SMS systems that come with Volume One Tickets to provide more info.

6. At the event scan tickets and process credit cards with the free App, for Android, iPhone, and iPad.

Who is this for?

  • live music & comedy
  • conferences
  • seminars
  • festivals & fairs
  • food & drink events
  • event venues
  • fundraisers
  • theater
  • classes & workshops
  • tours
  • races & walks
  • non-profits

Interested in selling tickets for your event?

Fill out the form below,
or call the Volume One office at (715) 552-0457,
or email